Mother, daughter, sister, neice, cousin, and friend

Mother, daughter, sister, neice, cousin, and friend

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

I'm a bad blogger

My name is Kathy and I'm a bad blogger.  I haven't posted a blog in a long, long time.

My intentions are so good, I know I'm going straight to Hell.  Ok, not really, I know where I'm going.  I'm going to peruse Pinterest since Facebook has changed, again.  But first;

I have so many things I want to do:  Write a book; learn to make home made caramels and marshmallows; learn to paint better--on canvas, not walls; perfect the home made Moon Pie (see my want to learn to make home made marshmallows); clean out my garage; clean out my storage unit thus saving $65/month; and the list goes on and on.

 Back to today's topic.  I find it funny that everyone on my Facebook feed is so pissed off about the newest changes, myself included.  Really?  Is this the biggest problem we have to today?  For me, the answer is Hell Yes.  Perhaps we should all abandon FB and go to that new Google thing.  It's not for everyone--you have to be invited--kind of like Pinterest.  Alas, no one has invited me to Googlewhatever and I'm not sure I would leave FB anyway.  And Lord knows, I simply do not have time to manage another social media forum.  FB/Google...FB/Google...FB/ Google?  

I barely tweet.  I should really do that more.  I am convinced my 20+ followers are disappointed that I'm not telling them about everything going on in my life in 140 characters or less.  I owe it to them to tweet more...but I digress...

What are we going to do about FB?  If I can't figure out this new format then I won't be able to waste 2 combined hours per day reading, liking, and posting.  What's a girl to do?  

This, my friends, is  concerning.  Maybe I'll figure it out while I'm copying pictures of neat stuff strangers have posted on their Pinterest boards.

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