Mother, daughter, sister, neice, cousin, and friend

Mother, daughter, sister, neice, cousin, and friend

Friday, March 09, 2012

You Pin It, I Try It #1

All that stuff on Pinterest looks so damn good, eh?  It's sooooooo pretty!!!!  That appetizing slice of taco pizza doesn't have lettuce and cheese falling off the sides everywhere.  That can only mean one of two things: 1)  There is not enough topping on the pictured slice; or 2) the photographer used some super-hold hairspray or something to keep everything in place.  OK, maybe 3) Their knives are way more sharper than mine.  Case in point:  

You know you see what I'm talking about.  All those beautiful photos on Pinterest coupled with the football shaped cake I made for a Super Bowl gathering inspired me to try things on Pinterest and then let the truth be known...whether it comes out looking like the Pinterest Picture, hereinafter referred to as "PP", or not. 

This first YPI, ITI blog is not my first or even second attempt at making something found on Pinterest.  But it did actually turn out looking like the picture, so I decided to start with it.   Mozzarella Sticks!!!  Sounds yummy!  I love Mozzarella Sticks!  I just hate that the store bought ones have so much sodium.  SPOILER ALERT: This is not the tastiest snack--a little too bland for my taste.  But, it's easy and quick and you make just the amount you need.

Here's the PP:

And we're off! What you need:

Egg roll wraps and the cheese sticks of your choice.  Oh, you'll also need oil and marinara sauce for dipping.

It's actually very easy to roll these.  Lay your cheese stick near one bottom corner of the wrap.  Fold up the bottom part and then tuck in the sides like so:

Since this was a test, I only made three.  I am not stupid and I figured I'd have to tweak the recipe and didn't want to waste food.
Next step:  Fry in about a half inch of oil.  It doesn't take long--really when one side browns, flip them over and by the time the other side browns the cheese will be melted.  

For your viewing pleasure:

SEE!  I told you so!!!

And here's the final result!!!  Looks good, eh???  (Pay no attention to the burnt end.)  Read on...

These might be better with pepper jack cheese or sharp cheddar (but that may not melt as well) maybe by sprinkling some spice of your choice on the cheese stick before wrapping.  Honestly, a pinch of salt would have help tremendously.

As you can see, I don't have fancy colorful plates and bowls, like 99% of PPs have, in which to present my wares, so focus on the food.  The food! Not the plastic blue plate. 

So there you have it!  

Next up: Home made snickers bars!!

POLL:  Do you think mine will turn out this pretty?  And, more importantly, do they actually tastes like a Snickers bar?  I already know...

1 comment:

  1. LOL! You don't like the sodium in the store bought, but thought they could use a pinch of salt. Love it! I wonder about using some Italian seasoning in them. Maybe my gift to you will be one set of photography only dishes. :)
