Mother, daughter, sister, neice, cousin, and friend

Mother, daughter, sister, neice, cousin, and friend

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Here we go again...

Welp, I'm back from the doctor.  As I told some of you, the PET Scan showed a spot on my hip bone and some new spots on my liver.  The results of the bone scan and abdominal MRI are as follows:  (I always find it interesting to actually READ the reports.)

Bone Scan---no noted activity!!!  YAY!
MRI: This test picked up some lesions on my spine, hip, and pelvic area.  When read together with the bone scan, this means that while there are cancerous cells floating around, they haven't actually started attacking the bone yet.  So, I'm gonna do an infusion of Zometa to strengthen my bones.  This is the good news.  We are a step ahead of the cancer here.

The bad news is the rest of the MRI.  As suspected the lesions on my liver are indeed cancerous.  The largest one is 1.5 cm, which is only half as big as the largest lesion I had in March 2009.  That's the bad news.  The good news is that I can still utilize Abraxane and Gemzar.  Since I responded so well to those two chemos in the past, there is no reason why I can't eventually get back into full remission (again) using them a second time.

My doc asked me when I wanted to start treatment and of course my response was, "Tomorrow."  So, tomorrow at 11:15 I will begin my 3rd Bi-Annual Breast Cancer Ass Kicking. (Someone should make a poster!)  I will have treatment for two weeks in a row and then take a week off.  I'll do that for 9 weeks and have another PET scan in January to see how well it's working. 

So, it is what it is.  Here are my initial thoughts:

-I have never been bald in the dead of winter.  I'm usually bald in the summer. (Can you say toboggan?)
-I had a fabulous 2010--Puerto Rico with Zachary, Hawaii with my Mom and Christian, and Honduras with Karen.
-After this bout, I will have spent half of Christian's life bald....seeing me like that is normal for him, so that's good.
-The way my schedule is, I will be feeling REALLY good on NYE so I wonder if I should have a party to ring in 2011.  Thoughts?
-Cancer still sucks and I'm really tired of the color pink.
-I should probably get my flu shot.
-I still need tickets to the ARK-LSU game Thanksgiving weekend.

So, here we go again...



  1. Wow! It is no wonder you have kicked this thing twice before. You have such a wonderful way of looking at the positive. I commend you Kathy. You are one tough cookie! My prayers are with you. Kick butt!

  2. Kathy! I met you at the Good Morning Arkansas gig for Runway and truly, meeting you was one of the highlights of the event this year. You have life and FUN and enthusiasm oozing out of every pore of your being, plus you share my love for travel.

    Honey, if ANYONE can kick cancer's bootay it's you. You ARE are rhinestone cowgirl and I am BELIEVING in your complete and total recovery. Rather than praying for you I should be praying for the cancer. It has no idea the hell you're about to rain down on it:)

    If there's anything I can do (even if it's to meet you at the backdoor with a cocktail in hand) let me know!

    Can't wait to see you saunter down the Runway again VERY SOON!

    Lots of love,
    Carrie Hurley

  3. Kathy, You are "ONE OF A KIND"!!! I hate you have to go through this again - but - it appears you are a step ahead in the game -. Pray these treatments will help you do exactly what we want them to do "KICK CANCER'S ASS AGAIN!!!" Luv U, Pat
    ps I have some scarves w/tobaggons in the shop - will send you one..... :-)

  4. Carrie--That was fun being on GMA! You're fantastic! Thanks for the prayers and I may take you up on that cocktail run!
    Aunt Pat---Thanks! I have a couple friends who are knitting me some caps---but like with my scarves--I can't have too many--i need one to match each outfit!
    Vic--Thanks for the kind words! I love following you on FB!

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